Monday, September 11, 2006


11th September is a very important day for us (Pakistanis). On September 11, 1948 our beloved Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah died. Mr. Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan, is my ideal. He was a great man who always walked along the right path and never left his mission. He bowed before none except Allah Almighty. He was acknowledged by great persons of the world. He worked for the independence of India and Pakistan. May his soul rest in heavens, in peace and at high place.

Five years ago, on 11th September 2001, World Trade Center and The Pentagon were attacked by some unknown people who banged their aero planes right into the WTC and Pentagon buildings. Soon the United States' government got the 9/11 phobia and worked her best to spread terror across the world. It attacked Afghanistan in search of Usama Bin Laden and Mulla Umer, but unfortunately/fortunately, the US army couldn't find Usama, yet they gave Afghanistan gifts of wounds, destruction, anarchy, terror, etc. People say that US govt. herself attacked WTC to find a lame excuse for attacking Afghanistan, some people say that George W. Bush attacked Afghanistan because he was sponsored by some Pharmaceutical companies, I don't know if it's true or not.

Meanwhile the world got the fever of Terrorism and the dictionaries were amended. Now the term terrorism defines Muslims, the word terrorist means a Muslim and a Terrorist Religion directs to Islam. Pakistanis and Arabs are seen with a biased eye that takes them to prison/death.

News media plays an important in this world. The western media has a significant control over the world and this media is controlled by some people who want to remake the world according to their desires. So the media spread Terror in the world with the help of US and some other governments. When brain washing of people completed, the US government got the support of its people and attacked Iraq. Now Iraq is in worse condition than Afghanistan. Daily several people die in bomb blasts and in attacks of unknown people. Again people say that US government is sponsored by some Oil companies that want to capture the oil of Middle East.

I want to clear one thing. I am not against of American or any other people, I blame those governments who want to run the world according to their wishes. When I say US, it means United States' government, not its nation.

What we can/should say in this scenario, is a vast topic. I will try to write my thoughts here in different posts. Because the discussion can be longer and longer, I have to talk about it, until I get some solution, or die like my ancestors, who couldn't stop the WAR.

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